
Severn News

Upper School Club Fair Showcases Large Variety of Student-Led Clubs and Activities

When it comes to extracurricular activities at Severn School, there is something for every Admiral.
And at the Upper School Club Fair on September 13, students had the opportunity to learn more about all of the nearly 40 clubs and activities available to them.

In preparation for this annual event, club leaders – generally juniors and seniors – were responsible for putting together a tri-fold board to promote their clubs to the student body. Each club was assigned a spot in the gym, and most had a laptop on hand to gather sign-ups. Some groups had more elaborate set-ups than others, but nearly all were stocked with candy or sweets as a way to persuade students to stop by and hear their pitch.

For nearly an hour, students wandered through the U-shaped configuration of tables, chatting with club leaders and each other about and adding their names to member lists. Freshmen were given early access to the Club Fair, allowing them to survey the offerings before the crowd was at full strength.

In the Upper School, the schedule is designed to include two weekly timeslots during the school day for clubs to meet and organize their events and activities. Clubs will generally meet once a week during the period known as Admiral Hour. Clubs meet on either Maroon Day or White Day, allowing students to get involved with several clubs during the school year.

New clubs represented this fall include the Global Education and Travel Club, the Severn Hiking Association, the Mindfulness Club, the Improv Club, the Gardening Club, and the Admiral Marketing Club, among others. The Robotics Club made its triumphant return this fall, as did the Sports Breakdown Club, which is dedicated to promoting current and past sporting events. They also plan to hold schoolwide bracket tournaments and spearhead a used sports equipment drive in the spring. Long-standing clubs such as Admiral TV, The Anchor Newspaper, Spirit Captains, and the Math Team also remain popular amongst students.

In addition to this robust list of extracurricular activities, students who wish to start a new club are encouraged to do so. Clubs are student-led but must be sponsored by a faculty or staff advisor.

To see the current list of clubs available at Severn School, click here.

Lower School

Upper School