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We say Severn teachers practice what they teach because they demonstrably live their passion for learning each day, continually applying their knowledge to their lives.
With such dedicated scholars directing discussion, demonstrating a lab concept, or just joining a friendly debate, students have clear models to emulate on the way to becoming self-directed learners.

Faculty Professional Development

As a student-centered institution, Severn School believes that adults should model the qualities they wish to see in their students. To that end, adults at Severn engage in professional development as a community of learners. Severn believes that adults learn best in collaborative situations where professional growth is valued.
We provide built-in professional development opportunities throughout the school year, support faculty travel to conferences, offer grants for personal and professional growth, and offer a robust line-up of summer PD classes taught by and for Severn faculty. Our hope is that faculty will engage frequently in professional development so as to remain nimble for change in our evolving world. 

Lower School

Upper School