
Severn News

Character, Scholarship, Service and Leadership: NHS and Cum Laude Induction Ceremony

Last week, Severn Upper School students were inducted into the Jonah Halsted Chapter of the National Honor Society and the Severn School chapter of the Cum Laude Society to honor their commitment to character, scholarship, service, and leadership. As a community, we define ourselves by these tenets; they are written in the words of our mission and woven into the fabric of daily life at Severn. Our annual NHS assembly is a chance for families, teachers and peers to both recognize these students and hear speeches about what character, scholarship, service, and leadership mean for our community today.

Cum Laude Society Inductees

The Cum Laude Society is dedicated to honoring scholastic achievement in secondary schools. The founders of the society modeled Cum Laude after Phi Beta Kappa and in the years since its founding, Cum Laude has grown to 382 chapters at secondary schools in the U.S. and internationally. This year, Severn is proud to welcome nine seniors to the Cum Laude Society in recognition of their outstanding academic accomplishments.

Severn School Cum Laude Society inductees pose with their certificates.
Cum Laude Inductees: Aidan Wang ‘18, Olivia Smith ‘18, Nate Roche ‘18, Jane Huang ‘18, Josie Formica ‘18, Grace Fieni ‘18, Ben Elstner ‘18, Ben Carsley ‘18, Jimmy Diamondidis ‘18

Student Voices Share Powerful Stories

The many voices that make up our school speak to our varied experiences and united ideals. During the ceremony, we heard four student voices as representatives of our exemplary student body. Mentored by Upper School English Teacher Dr. Jackie Baugh, Charlie Marculewicz ‘18, Danielle Drury ‘19, Shreeya Bahethi ‘18, and Aidan Wang ‘18 shared well-prepared and personal speeches about character, scholarship, service, and leadership. Our student speakers moved the crowd with stories from their families, from their lives and from their time here at Severn.

Severn School student speakers stand with their speech writing mentor Dr. Jackie Baugh.
Charlie Marculewicz ‘18, Danielle Drury ‘19, Shreeya Bahethi ‘18, Dr. Jackie Baugh, Aidan Wang ‘18

National Honor Society Inductees

To become and remain a member of NHS, a student must:
  • Evidence character through a regard for others, an exemplary standard of integrity, a willingness to accept and meet responsibilities, and adherence to the spirit as well as the letter of the rules
  • Demonstrate scholarship by attaining a 3.33 cumulative grade point average and other academic criteria
  • Perform service to Severn School or to the non-school community
  • Show leadership in coursework or campus life
We recognize members of our junior and senior classes for their commitment to these values and their pursuit of excellence in and outside the classroom at Severn.

Newly inducted Severn School NHS members stand to recite the pledge.
US English Teacher and NHS Advisor Mr. Richard Zmuda leads the NHS inductees in reciting the NHS pledge.

Neither a Beginning Nor an End

This ceremony is neither a beginning nor an end. It is a recognition of the work our students have done thus far and a promise for that work to continue. We guide our students quite intentionally through a series of character and leadership building activities throughout their time at Severn so that every student has the opportunity to lead and when needed, be led. These experiences build compassion, strength, and maturity. And like the ceremonial flames that represent the principles of NHS, that compassion, strength and maturity will continue to light the way for our students through their years at Severn and beyond.

Lower School

Upper School