Student Life



Traditions hold a special place in our hearts. More than just fun activities, these treasured events create lasting memories and enduring bonds among generations of Severn Admirals. They ignite school spirit, celebrate our vibrant community, and strengthen the sense of pride that defines the Severn experience. Whether it’s the annual Spirit Week activities, the emotional senior send-off from their final Morning Meeting, the Holiday Sing in the Lower School, or the spirited Minute to Win It grade-level contests in the Middle School, each tradition is a testament to Severn’s collective identity and the joy of coming together as a community.


List of 1 items.

  • Upper School Traditions

    • Senior Breakfast on Their Last First Day of School
    • Hoops Madness
    • Pumpkin Decorating
    • Pink Tie Friday
    • Elf on the Shelf
    • Hot Chocolate and Caroling on the last day of school before Winter Break
    • Last Admiral Standing
    • Fresh/Soph Picnic
    • Freshman Dessert Reception before Homecoming Dance
    • Morning Meeting
    • Dodgeball Madness
    • Pre-Prom Pictures at Daiger House
    • Senior Prank
    • Boardwalk Blast
    • Class Reflections at Baccalaureate
    • Trivia Night
    • Senior Sendoff at Final Morning Meeting
    • Rivalry Games vs. St. Mary's
    • Spirit Week
      • Flag Football Game
      • Class Banner Competition
      • Hallway Decorating
      • Sing for Your Supper
      • Tug of War


List of 1 items.

  • Middle School Traditions

    • Minute to Win It Class Challenges
    • Coffeehouses
    • Socials
    • Advisory Door Decorating
    • Innovation Day
    • Homecoming
    • Breadwinner Challenge
    • Holiday Toy Drive 
    • Field Day
    • Service and Belonging Days
    • Eighth Grade Team Building
    • Eighth Grade Promotion Ceremony and Celebration Line


List of 1 items.

  • Lower School Traditions

    • Convocation
    • Lower School Dance
    • Homecoming
    • Halloween Parade
    • Veterans Day Assembly
    • Holiday Sing / Pajama Day
    • Lower School Dance
    • Grandfriends Day
    • Spring Sing
    • Kindergarten and First-Grade Letters to Seniors
    • Kindergarten Celebration
    • Fifth Grade Promotion Ceremony




One of the most anticipated and celebrated weeks in the Upper School, Spirit Week has it all. It kicks off on Sunday with the Junior/Senior Girls Flag Football game, followed by a week of fun. There are daily dress-down themes for students, the annual food drive benefiting SPAN, a class banner contest, creative hallway decorating, Sing for Your Supper, Tug of War, and more. The finale, of course, is Homecoming Day, which includes home games for the Admirals and the annual Homecoming Dance. 

Dave LaChapelle '93 P'28

The best tradition at Severn is the St. Mary’s rivalry. I have such great memories of those games. We’re both small schools, so you end up friends with the opponents, and it’s fun to talk about the outcome even years later. The games were fun when I was a student, but they’re even better as memories.


Severn senior celebrate a year full of "last firsts" as well as many senior-specific traditions. Just before graduation, the seniors go through a "Super Tuesday" of traditional events. 

The day begins with seniors presenting their Innovative Senior Projects (ISP). Following that, it’s a quick change to get ready for College T-shirt Day and a visit from the kindergarten and first-grade students. The young students have a special mission that day: to present each senior with a handwritten letter offering some words of advice as they prepare to head off to college.

 Traditionally, each senior wears a shirt and/or skirt that day that represents the college or university they plan to attend in the fall. 

After a special lunch hosted by the Alumni Association, seniors are back in assembly dress for the final academic assembly of the year. A number of senior awards are announced at this assembly. After the Academic Awards, faculty, staff, and underclassmen file out ahead of the senior class, forming the famous Hug Line. The members of the senior class then walk out through the long line, giving them the chance to say thanks and goodbye to teachers, staff, coaches, and friends.

That time when the seniors painted Woods Hall pink…

For better or for worse, the Senior Prank tradition has staying power! Each year, the senior class plans a prank for the spring, which becomes known only to Dean of Students Marc Buckley. Some are more memorable than others. In the past twenty years, two have really stood out for their creativity. In 2006, the seniors snuck onto campus in the middle of the night and painted Woods Hall bright pink. (This building was slated for demolition a few weeks later.) Also memorable, the Class of 2022 pooled their money and hired a Mariachi Band to follow Mr. Buckley around all day. Everywhere he went, they followed, playing music all the while.

Lower School

Upper School