
Class of 2024




Members of the senior class were presented with the below awards at the Fine Arts Assembly, the Academic Awards Assembly and during Commencement. Congratulations to all of the recipients on these well-deserved honors.

List of 3 items.

  • Fine Arts Awards - presented at the April 23 Arts Awards Assembly

    Jane Schwarz Memorial Two Dimensional Art Award
    This award is given in memory of Jane Schwarz who established the Art Department at Severn School. Through her dedication to the arts, she gained recognition as an artist and teacher in the Mid-Atlantic states. Her rapport with and guidance of
    students influenced many to pursue artistic careers. This award goes to that member of the graduating class who shows a combination of these qualities: individual artistic growth, self-motivation, and involvement.
    Presented to: Vivian Miller
    The Daniel Maurice Rothman Memorial Three Dimensional Art Award
    This award was established in 1993 in memory of Daniel M. Rothman '89, whose determination, courage, faith, and strength were an inspiration to all around him. The award goes to the graduating senior who best exemplifes Daniel's spirit and who
    understands that the creative process is a process of discovery.
    Presented to: Zahria Grimes
    Digital Arts Award
    This award was established in the 1998-1999 school year to honor a student for his or her superior aesthetic in the digital arts.
    Presented to: Makenzie Eakins
    The V Award for Music - Instrumental and Vocal
    This award is given in honor of former music teacher Eric Van Dervort, to recognize a student's concern for the improvement of Severn's music program and for his/her enthusiastic participation in our present musical activities.
    Presented to: Charles C. Friedrich (Instrumental)
    Presented to: Emily A. Leach and Sean H. Ward (Vocal)
    Performing Arts Award
    This award was established by the Class of 1983 to recognize excellence in the performing arts.
    Presented to: Erik Maltz
    Sassi Renaissance Award
    The Sassi Renaissance Award is given in honor of long-time Severn teacher Doug Sassi. It is awarded to a person who, over the course of their career at Severn, has made a broad and profound impact on the school's arts program.
    Presented to: Zoe Smith-Joledo
  • Senior Awards - presented at the May 28 Academic Awards Assembly

    Kirby English Award
    The late Captain Dunne Wilson Kirby, U.S. Navy Medical Corps, in recognition of his son Timothy Stephen Kirby (Severn '58), presented to the School a plaque on which is inscribed each year the name of the member of the senior class who has shown the greatest proficiency in the study of English. This year, the English Department bestows the Kirby Prize on a student who has demonstrated great proficiency in intellectual debate and literary analysis, combined with a passionate love of literature that goes well beyond the classroom.
    Presented to: Douglas Schwartz

    Albert K. Hawkins History Award
    In 1959 the Patrons' Club of Severn School established an award in memory of Albert K. Hawkins, a former headmaster at Severn. This award was established to honor that member of the graduating class who has shown genuine interest and outstanding achievement in history during his/her stay at Severn.
    Frederick S. Hemry Spanish Award
    This award was created by Mr. Harold Slanker '49 in memory of Frederick S. Hemry, a former Spanish teacher at Severn, to recognize each year the student who shows the greatest promise and achievement in the study of Spanish.
    Richard Lynch Latin Award
    This award is presented in memory of Richard Lynch, a former teacher of Latin at Severn, to the student who has demonstrated an exceptional knowledge of and appreciation for the Latin language. This award also recognizes demonstrated appreciation for the heritage of classical antiquity as well as a respect for our own American culture. The student must have studied Latin for at least two years at Severn.
    Presented to: CHARLES FRIEDRICH
    Jeannine Mollet Iwanicki French Award
    A plaque, donated in her memory by her family, is inscribed each year with the name of the senior who shows the greatest promise and achievement in the study of French.
    Mathematics Award
    The Class of 1959 presented to the School a plaque on which is inscribed each year the name of the member of the graduating class who, while at Severn School, excelled in a rigorous mathematics-focused program, including high level courses, elective and activities, and consistently made a positive contribution to the mathematical culture of Severn School.
    Presented to: Whitney Grimes
    Sandy Hoffman Memorial Award
    This award is presented for excellence in the sciences and the humanities. Created by Dr. Kenneth Hoffman in memory of his wife who, before her untimely death, gave of herself to the Severn community not only as a teacher of science but also as a woman of broad knowledge, unusual wisdom, and genuine caring. This award is intended to recognize the student who has achieved honors in science with strong ability and demonstrated interest in the humanities and the arts.
    Presented to: Emily Sutton
    Bauer Family Technology Award
    This award is presented to recognize excellence, initiative, and enthusiasm in the study and use of technology. This award originally was established in 1984 as the Computer Science Award. In recognition of the significant and generous contributions of members of the Bauer family toward advancing the use and instruction of computer-related technology at Severn School, this award is now given in their honor.
    Presented to: Aliza Monaldo and Dylan Fenn
    Community Service Award
    This award is being given to that senior who has given freely of his or her time above and beyond the ten hours of community service that Severn requires. In addition to the actual number of hours being volunteered, a strong and ongoing commitment to serve others in an exemplary and noteworthy manner is also taken into consideration.
    C. Markland Kelly Jr. Athletic Service Award -
    This award is made possible by the Ensign C. Markland Kelly Jr. Memorial Foundation in memory of a young man who gave his life to help perpetuate the ideals which have made America great. It is presented to the student who best demonstrates outstanding characteristics in rendering service to his/her school's athletic program. Criteria considered in selecting the honoree include leadership, promotion of athletics within the school, teamwork, sportsmanship, and scholarship.
    Principal's Award
    This award is given by the Upper School Head to a senior for his/her personal growth, maturity, dependability, and integrity while a student at Severn School.
    Presented to: NICHOLAS HANSON
  • Graduation Awards - presented during the May 31 Commencement

    Scholarship Award The Class of 1924 presented to the School a shield on which is inscribed each year the name of the member of the graduating class having the highest general grade point average.
    Presented to: Whitney Grimes
    Jonah Halsted Activities Award
    This award honors the memory of one of Severn's most highly respected faculty members, Jonah Halsted, who served 43 years from 1928-1972 as a math instructor and coach. Strongly devoted to classroom teaching, Mr. Halsted turned down two offers to assume the duties of headmaster. The recipient is chosen as one “who has given of his/her time and e􀎛ort freely and without thought of personal gain” and who has shown outstanding performance in activities other than participation in
    Presented to: Adele Hlousek, Erik Maltz
    Athletic Award
    The Class of 1923 presented to the School a plaque on which is inscribed each year the name of the student who has contributed the most toward the promotion of athletics during the year. Character, conduct, cooperation, loyalty, and faithfulness as
    well as athletic ability are taken into consideration. The recipient of this year's award has contributed, through example and performance, much to what is best in athletics.
    Presented to: Bo Fowler
    Benjamin Louck Memorial Award
    This award was established by the Class of 1980 in memory of the five-year old son of Richard C. Louck, a long time teacher, coach, and friend of the class, whose son's enthusiasm for life and other personal qualities were never able to be fulfilled. It is given each year to that senior who has not been significantly recognized but whose inspiration, enthusiasm, involvement, initiative, and spirit have contributed unselfishly to the stature of this class and as a result, has had a positive influence on the School community as a whole. The senior class selects the recipient.
    Presented to: Sydney Owens
    Paul J. Kesmodel Severn Award
    This award honors the memory of one of Severn's most beloved figures, Mr. Paul J. Kesmodel. As a teacher, coach, college counselor, headmaster, and father of four Severn alumni, he contributed generously to the School community for 34 years
    (1936-1970). The award is given to the student for his/her distinct contribution to Severn through participation in, and attitude toward, the School, its people, life, and spirit.
    Presented to: Ben Campion
    G. Parker Lindsay Memorial Award
    Given in memory of a man who dedicated 30 years to Severn as an instructor, coach, and administrator, this award is given to the student who has followed Gordon Parker Lindsay's selfless commitment on the field and in the classroom.
    Presented to: Kingston Price
    Eller Citizenship Award
    Admiral and Mrs. Ernest McNeill Eller established two awards in honor of their sons, Peter '54 and John '58. The awards are given to the members of the senior class who have displayed the qualities of character, loyalty, cooperation, service, and general
    academic as well as extracurricular achievement, which go to make up a well-rounded citizen.
    Presented to: Jennifer Gomez-Gallardo, Doug Schwartz
    Dawson Leadership Award
    Established in 1947 by the late D. Clifton Dawson, a man known and respected throughout this area for his support of and service to the community, this award is presented to that member of the senior class who has exhibited outstanding school citizenship. In considering candidates, the determining factors are character,
    personality, ambition, initiative, judgment, and consideration for others.
    Presented to: Sean Ward
    The Rolland M. Teel Award
    This award is given in memory of our founder Rolland Teel who led Severn School for 42 years. The award is given to the student for his/her distinct contribution to Severn through participation in, and attitude toward, the school, its people, life, and spirit. Further, this student has demonstrated those values and qualities espoused by Mr. Teel and the mission of Severn, including scholarship, leadership, citizenship, sportsmanship, service to others and respect for tradition and diversity. Mr. and Mrs. Stephens Millard '51 established this award in 1998 in recognition and appreciation for Mr. Teel's many contributions to society. It is the highest award conferred by Severn School at graduation.
    Presented to: Whitney Grimes


  • 2024 College Signing Day

    2024 College Signing Day


List of 1 items.

  • Congratulations to the following for continuing their athletic careers in college:

    • Ella Aherne (Rowing) – Georgetown University
    • Jackson Barroll (Men’s Lacrosse) – Gettysburg College
    • Andrew Beard (Men’s Lacrosse) – Penn State University
    • Kate Castleberry (Sailing) – Tufts University
    • Parker Collins (Track & Field) – Carleton College
    • Reese Corckran (Sailing) – Brown University
    • Ava Cornell (Sailing) – Stanford University
    • Makenzie Eakins (Women’s Lacrosse) – University of Tampa
    • Helena English (Sailing) – Tulane University
    • Bo Fowler (Football) – University of Richmond
    • Will Friedell (Sailing) – College of Charleston
    • Reid Gills (Men’s Lacrosse) – Penn State University
    • Chase Hallam (Men’s Lacrosse) – Hobart College
    • Scarlett Harris (Sailing) – Georgetown University
    • Carter Johnson (Men’s Lacrosse) – Gettysburg College
    • Issy Leech (Women’s Lacrosse) – University of Louisville
    • Nate Long (Sailing) – University of Miami
    • Tori Miller (Field Hockey) – Ohio University
    • Aliza Monaldo (Swimming) – Boston University
    • Jack Read (Men’s Lacrosse) – University of Vermont
    • Allie Straub (Field Hockey) – Bowdoin College
    • Alan Scheffers (Football) – McDaniel College
    • John Szynal (Sailing) – College of Charleston
    • Giselle Torain (Women’s Lacrosse) – George Mason University


The 106 members of Severn School's 110th graduating class are matriculating to the following four-year colleges and college preparatory programs.

List of 1 items.

  • Class of 2024 College Matriculation

    Anne Arundel Community College
    Boston College
    Boston University
    Bowdoin College
    Brown University
    Bucknell University
    Carleton College
    Clemson University
    Colby College
    Colgate University
    College of Charleston
    College of William & Mary
    Colorado State University
    Colorado State University
    Dartmouth College
    Duke University
    Elon University
    Fordham University
    George Mason University
    George Washington University
    Georgetown University
    Gettysburg College
    High Point University
    Hobart and William Smith Colleges
    Indiana University
    James Madison University
    Johns Hopkins University
    Loyola University Chicago
    McDaniel College
    New York University
    North Carolina A & T State University
    North Carolina State University
    Northeastern University
    Ohio University
    Penn State University
    Penn State University
    Princeton University
    Purdue University
    Purdue University
    Salisbury University
    San Diego State University
    Southern Methodist University
    Spelman College
    Stanford University
    Stevenson University
    The University of Tampa
    The University of Texas at Austin
    Trinity College
    Tufts University
    Tulane University of Louisiana
    University of Alabama
    University of California Los Angeles
    University of Colorado Boulder
    University of Florida
    University of Kentucky
    University of Louisville
    University of Maryland Eastern Shore
    University of Maryland, College Park
    University of Miami
    University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    University of Richmond
    University of South Carolina
    University of St Andrews
    University of Vermont
    University of Virginia
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
    Virginia Tech
    Washington University in St. Louis


Graduation Highlights

Graduation Highlights 2024

Hug Line

Senior Class Hug Line

Senior Baccalaureate

Senior Baccalaureate May 30 2024


LS Students Give Advice to Seniors

Lower School

Upper School