
Event Detail

US Blood Drive

Edward St. John Athletic Center - Memorial GYM - GYM2
Please see the Binnacle for more details.
Mark your Calendar: The Red Cross blood drive is in Memorial Gym on TuesdayFebruary 11th from 9:00 am-1:30 pm. Students, parents, teachers, and staff can sign up for a blood donation by clicking on the link above. Students who donate blood can receive up to two community service hours, a free t-shirt, and lots of recovery snacks and refreshments. You must be 16+ to donate blood. Any student that signs up to donate must also fill out a parent consent form. It is very important that all parent consent forms are filled out using a blue or black pen and are dated. Students need to bring their consent form and a school ID or license with them to their scheduled donation appointment on Tuesday.

The Red Cross requires that at least one adult be present during the blood drive. The APA is looking for volunteers to help with this event if you are interested: to volunteer for a one hour time slot, please click here.


Lower School

Upper School