Featured Alumni
40 Under 40 Inductees

Liam O'Meara '00

Hometown: Annapolis, MD
Liam is the oldest of five Severn graduates, and being the eldest of the O’Meara clan has been his most valuable life experience to date. Throughout his time at Severn, University of Richmond, and University of Maryland Liam had the opportunity to pursue the knowledge that he needed in order to do what he loves: improving the relationship between the natural world and the built environment. Liam’s wife, Emily, and his kids, Finn (8), Cormac (5), and Maeve (2) are his inspiration and ground him to what’s important amidst the chaos of life and work. Since 2013 Liam has had the “dream job” of running EQR, an ecological restoration construction firm based in Anne Arundel County. The work has brought him to hundreds of streams, rivers, wetlands, and shorelines for construction and restoration projects, and it still gives him that kid-in-a-sandbox excitement for building things.

Lower School

Upper School